Lifestyle Brands to the Life Sciences

welcome to evidence-based branding

Lifesciences, biotechnology, biopharma

MIlkyway Life Sciences Launch: Customer insights research, competitive research, positioning, branding, identity, content strategy, copywriting, logo, site design, site launch. China & US.

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Get Magnetic

A winning brand is an eye-ball magnet. We tap into what’s authentically compelling and utterly believable to tell your story. Complexities like ‘cellular adaptation in genetic drift’ don’t scare us. We like the hard stuff.

Cellaria Life Sciences: Product Launch

Customer insights, positioning, identity, content, design, logo, investor deck writing & production. Presentation coaching.

Frontera Biotechnology Launch. Positioning, content creation site design and launch. Chinese/English. Frontera provides life-changing therapeutics around the world - and makes them accessible to patients regardless of geography or livelihood.

Telecommunications & IT Services

ZIXI Telecommunications: Customer insights research, competitive research, content themes, content strategy, copywriting, logo design, site design, site launch.

LaptopsNow: Customer insights research, content themes, content strategy, copywriting, logo design, site design, site launch.


Sarah Campbell Holiday Email Campaign. ‘Endearing Thread’ Community Programming.

Unabashed Groupies

Clients love having us around because we respect budgets, backend systems, word counts and timelines. We cheer you on and do some poking, too, all to make your brand the best it can be.

Massachusetts Retail Campaign. Naming, community focus groups, customer insights, competitive research, positioning, identity, content strategy, design, site launch, social, billboards, posters, DM, measurement.

Purpose-Driven Organizations

All Inclusive

We seek-out clients that are often left on the sidelines: BIPOC-owned businesses, female-owned businesses, businesses owned by 55+, and LGBTQIA+ organizations.

Pandemic Responders. Naming, brand strategy, positioning, logo design, website design and build. Raised over $300K and sent 440K PPE items around the globe in under six months. Chinese/ English.

Northwest Harvest: State-Wide Covid Response. Branding Band brought greater impact, organization & clarity to Northwest Harvest’s multi-author, multi-agency, state-wide address spearheading Washington State’s Covid-19 response. NWH is the largest food bank in Washington state, supports 370 food outlets, and serves 2.2 million people.